Ben Guerrieri (Class of 2026), Shannon Joseph (2025), and Brielle Damiani (2025) gave a research presentation, titled, “Sign Language Recognition using Visual Hand Landmarks and the Parameters of American Sign Language”, at the 19th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
Mila Manzano (Class of 2025), Kristen O’Donnell (Class of 2025), and Eden Espinosa (Class of 2024) gave a research presentation, titled “MiRODES: Mini Intelligent Robot for On-campus Domain-specific Event Support”, in the Student Design Challenge session at the 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) held in Boulder, Colorado. Read More.
Ben Guerrieri (Class of 2026), and Julianna Iannini (Class of 2024) and Joe Petrecca (Class of 2025) presented their mentored research at the Student Research Competition at the SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, held in Portland, Oregon.
Sara Aly, Parvathi Krishnan, and Andrew Michael (all Class of 2024) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Kassidy Farnum (Class of 2026), Joe Petrecca (Class of 2025) were accepted into the University Innovation Fellows program through Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, also known as the Stanford d.School. Read More.
Claire Engebreth (Class of 2025) received Third Team “All-American” Honors by the National Field Hockey Coaches Association (NFHCA) in December 2023. Read More.
Sean Elefant, Jabili Gadde, Kiera Gill, Robert Helck, Max Landry, and Jason Swick (all Class of 2023) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Spring 2023 Dean’s List | Fall 2023 Dean’s List
Justin Wain (Class of 2022) was named NJAC East player of the week in March. Read More.
Leah Kazenmayer (Class of 2023), Luke Kurlandski (Class of 2022), Forum Modi (2022), Akira Takada (2022), and Alexander (AJ) Viola (2022) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Luke Kurlandski (Class of 2022) presented a research paper he co-authored with Dr. Michael Bloodgood, titled “Impact of Stop Sets on Stopping Active Learning for Text Classification” at IEEE ICSC 2022. Their paper was one of nine papers nominated for the Best Paper Award at the conference. Read More.
CS alumnus Numaan Cheema (Class of 2021) and Dr. Dimitris Papamichail authored a chapter, titled “Computational Tools for Synthetic Gene Optimization”, that has been included in New Frontiers and Applications of Synthetic Biology, a textbook published by Elsevier. Read More.
Sara Aly (Class of 2024) presented research findings from her REU at Cleveland State University at the International Forum on Research Excellence (IFoRE) conference hosted by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society, in November 2022. Read More.
Andrew Michael (Class of 2024) co-authored a publication with his research mentor, Dr. Sharif Shahnewaz Ferdous, titled “Use of Scaling to Improve Reach in Virtual Reality for People with Parkinson’s Disease”. Read More.
Spring 2022 Dean’s List | Fall 2022 Dean’s List
Luke Kurlandski (Class of 2022) had his poster accepted to the Student Research Competition at the 2021 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium. Luke’s poster on CABPortal, entitled “Evaluating ML Recommender Systems Without Interactions Data” was presented at the March 2021 virtual conference. Read More.
John Barry (Class of 2021), David Greco (Class of 2022), and Ethan Staiman (Class of 2021) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Alexander (AJ) Viola (class of 2022) presented at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Fall Symposium Series (FSS) Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Machine Teams (ToM). Read More.
Spring 2021 Dean’s List | Fall 2021 Dean’s List
Thomas Orth (Class of 2021) presented a paper that he co-authored with Dr. Bloodgood at the International Conference of Semantic Computing in San Diego, California, held February 3 – 5. Orth and Dr. Bloodgood’s paper, titled “Early Forecasting of Text Classification Accuracy and F-Measure with Active Learning”, was one of eight papers nominated for the Best Paper Award at the conference. Read more.
Daniel Beer (Class of 2020), Ryan Bogutz (Class of 2021), Carolyne Homes (Class of 2021), and Darshan Kalola (Class of 2020) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Spring 2020 Dean’s List | Fall 2020 Dean’s List
Michael Altschuler (Class of 2019), and Garrett Beatty (Class of 2019) and Ethan Kochis (Class of 2020) presented papers that they co-authored with Dr. Bloodgood at the International Conference of Semantic Computing in Newport Beach, California on January 29 – February 1. Altschuler’s presentation was titled “Stopping Active Learning based on Predicted Change of F Measure for Text Classification”. Beatty and Kochis’s presentation was titled “The Use of Unlabeled Data versus Labeled Data for Stopping Active Learning for Text Classification”. Read more.
Shm Almeda (Class of 2020) won first prize in the Undergraduate category at the ACM Student Research Competition at the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Almeda presented their research on developing a translation and teaching tool for American Sign Language (ASL) using the LeapMotion Controller. Their project was titled “Accessible Sign Language Recognition with the Leap Motion Controller.” Read more.
Brian Duke (Class of 2020) presented a paper that he coauthored with Dr. Andrea Salgian’s at the International Symposium on Visual Computing to be held in Lake Tahoe, Nevada on October 7 – 9. Duke is the first author of the paper entitled “Guitar Tablature Generation using Computer Vision”. The work for Duke’s project was completed during his Spring 2019 mentored research with Dr. Salgian.
Tomer Aberbach, Shm Almeda, and Madeline (Maddie) Febinger (Class of 2020) wrote a paper on synthetic gene design that was presented by Almeda and Febinger at the Grace Hopper Conference. Their work was completed during the Spring 2019 semester under the mentorship of Dr. Dimitris Papamichail, and with funding from a CREU grant. Almeda and Febinger began working with Dr. Papamichail in summer 2018 as part of the School of Science’s MUSE program, and all three students completed research with Dr. Papamichail in Spring 2019. Read more.
Madeline Febinger (Class of 2020) and Emily Kazenmayer (Class of 2019) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Spring 2019 Dean’s List | Fall 2019 Dean’s List
Garrett Beatty (Class of 2019) and Ethan Kochis (Class of 2020) presented a paper that they co-authored with Dr. Bloodgood at the International Conference of Semantic Computing in Laguna Hills, California on January 31 – February 2, 2018. Their presentation was titled “Impact of Batch Size on Stopping Active Learning for Text Classification”. Read more.
Elisa Idrobo (Class of 2018) and Edward Kennedy (Class of 2018) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Spring 2018 Dean’s List | Fall 2018 Dean’s List
Brittany Reedman (Class of 2018), Emily Kazenmayer (Class of 2019), Ananya Srinivasan (2019), Victoria (Tori) Swartz (2019), and Sophia (Sophie) Goldberg (Class of 2020) attended the Grace Hopper Conference in Orlando, Florida in October 2017.
Ananya Srinivasan (Class of 2019) was awarded a NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for summer 2017 and performed research in the area of metadata and taxonomy at the Information Technology Lab in Gaithersburg, MD. Read more.
Angela Huang (Class of 2017), Dylan Wulf (2017), and Stephen Klein (Class of 2018) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. Read more.
Randell Carrido(Class of 2018), Victoria (Tori) Swartz (2019), and Sophia (Sophie) Goldberg (2019) received Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates (CREU) funding and performed research during the 2017-18 academic year under the supervision of Dr. Deborah Knox. Their project was titled “PIR Room Occupancy Detection and Client/Server Support for a Cross-platform Real-time Mobile Application” Read more.
Tomer Aberbach (Class of 2020), Ethan Zeigler (2020), Darshan Kalola (Class of 2019), and two other science majors placed second (2nd) at the Google Games held in New York City in April 2017. Read more.
Spencer Viviano (Class of 2019) and his teammate were awarded second place in the Mayo Business Plan Competition in April 2017. Read more.
Sean Anukweum (Class of 2017), Evan Melquist (Class of 2018), Michael Altschuler (Class of 2020) and Derek Kneisel (2020) attended the SIGCSE conference, held in Seattle, Washington in March 2017, as part of a networking experience. Read more.
Angela Huang (Class of 2018) was invited to and attended the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) held in Paris, France in January 2017. Read more.
Angela Huang (Class of 2017) and Dylan Wulf (Class of 2017) were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
Spring 2017 Dean’s List | Fall 2017 Dean’s List
Angela Huang (Class of 2017) participated in research supporting algorithm development in computational biology as an Amgen Scholar at Washington University in St. Louis in summer 2016. Read more.
Elisa Idrobo (Class of 2018) participated in a TECBio REU at the University of Pittsburgh in summer 2016. The TECBio program focuses on the simulation and visualization of biological systems at multiple scales. Read more.
Joie Murphy (Class of 2017) was awarded a NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for summer 2016 and performed research in the area of user interface design for terminology generation at the Information Technology Lab in Gaithersburg, MD. Read more.
Benjamin Meyer (Class of 2016) and Michael McNally (2015) created the TCNJ Rideshare App as part of their mentored research with Dr. Deborah Knox. The app is now live and download information can be found on the TCNJ Rideshare webpage. Read more.
Matthew Steuerer (Class of 2016), Andrew Miller (2016), and Nathan Gould (2017) successfully competed in the ACM Student Research Competition held at the 47th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2016 Conference in Memphis, TN in March 2016. Matthew was awarded 2nd in this national competition. Read more.
Spring 2016 Dean’s List | Fall 2016 Dean’s List
Kyle Davis (Class of 2016) was awarded a NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for summer 2015. Kyle conducted research at the Information Technology Lab in the area of computer graphics and motion detection using a head mounted virtual reality display into a system employing graphics and 360 degree video scenes. Read more.
Daniel Lessoff (Class of 2015) was awarded a NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for summer 2015 and worked in the area of computer security on a project entitled “Development of network diagnostic tools for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Security extensions.” Read more.
Derek Duchesne (Class of 2015) and Brandon Gottlob (2016) successfully competed in the ACM Student Research Competition held at the 46th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2015 Conference in Kansas City, MO in March 2015. Read more.
Spring 2015 Dean’s List | Fall 2015 Dean’s List
Joie Murphy (Class of 2017), Kate Evans (2017), and J.R. Villari (2016) received Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates (CREU) funding and performed research during the 2014-15 academic year under the supervision of Dr. Dimitris Papamichail. Their project aimed to create efficient algorithms and computational tools for the construction of optimized, rationally-designed synthetic genes. Read more.
Patrick D’Errico (Class of 2014), Joseph Canero (2015), and Conor Kelton (2015), successfully competed in the ACM Student Research Competition held at the 45th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2014 Conference in Atlanta, GA, in March 2014. All placed in the top 5, and Patrick was awarded 3rd place in this national competition Read More.
Hardik Patel (Class of 2015), Chris Hranj (2016), and Gary Patricelli (2016), participated in the Secure Information Systems Mentoring and Training (SISMAT) program at Dartmouth College. Read More.
CS students, Patrick D’Errico (Class of 2014), Daniel Lessoff (2015), and Kylie Gorman (2016) performed research in Networks, Security, and Vision at Argonne National Lab, NIST and University of Central Florida. Read More.
Spring 2014 Dean’s List | Fall 2014 Dean’s List