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Spring 2022 Internship Information Sessions

Spring 2022 Internship


REMINDER:  All CS Majors are required to attend one internship information session before they can apply for internship (CSC 399) for credit.

Be sure to check Dr. Papamichail’s website and come prepared with any additional questions you might have.

Wednesday, February 16:  (6:00 – 6:45 PM)
Tuesday, March 8:  (6:30 – 7:15 PM)

Zoom session link:

School of Science February Career Events

School of Science February Career Events

Read below for some upcoming events for science majors!

School of Science Career Advising Hours

Have your resume critiqued, get a quick personal statement review, or discuss graduate school plans in Physics 104 on Tuesdays from 1:15 to 3:15 PM starting Tuesday, February 14!

Go to your Handshake account and select appointment type “School of Science Career Advising Hours” to schedule a 1:1 session with Jennifer Broyles from the Office of Career & Leadership Development.
1:1 Sessions are a max of 20 minutes and sign-up is required at least 12 hours in advance.


Virtual Spring Career and Internship Fair

Wednesday, February 23
1:00 to 2:00PM


Services to Use: Career Advising and Resume Critiques

Make An Appointment. Can’t make Science Advising hours, but still need advice on your job or internship search? Preparing for Graduate School? Want to practice for an interview? We’re here to discuss all of this and more. Visit Handshake and schedule an appointment today.

Resume Reviews. Schedule a 15-minute resume review session that fits your busy schedule!

Celebration of Computing: Fall 2021

The Department of Computer Science’s annual Celebration of Computer event will take place virtually on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, from 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM. We have 18 presentations that will showcase the internship experience and mentored research outcomes over the summer and this Fall semester. Each presentation will be 10 minutes long (with an exception of #17 that will be 25 min), and there will be a five min buffer between presentations for Q&A and transition.  The whole event will be broadcast via YouTube live streaming.

Livestream Links:
Presentation 1 (YouTube):
Presentation 2 (YouTube):

Students who are taking CSC 099 and CSC 199 were assigned a poster for the review. Please use the Qualtrics Survey link below to submit your response.  Please note that you must identify yourself in the survey (there are fields where you can write your name) to be counted toward your course requirements.

Qualtrics link:

If you have any questions or need a copy of the schedule of presentations, please contact

Fall 2021 Internship Information Session

Fall 2021 Internship


REMINDER:  All CS Majors are required to attend one internship information session before they can apply for internship (CSC 399) for credit.

Be sure to check Dr. Papamichail’s website and come prepared with any additional questions you might have.

Wednesday, November 10:  (6:00 – 6:45 PM)

Zoom session link:

Spring 2022 Registration Wait-list

The registration period for Spring 2022 courses is November 2 – 12, 2021.  Some seats have been reserved for CS majors in all CSC courses.  Please review the Spring 2022 Registration Newsletter for additional information on options courses offered next semester.

After your registration window opens, if the class you need is closed, put yourself on the wait-list using the Qualtrics form below.

Be sure to read all directions and enter all requested information.

Spring 2022 Wait-list:

If you make changes to your schedule after entering your submission to the wait-list and need to update your information, email

We will not be signing students into courses until Monday, November 15, after the registration window closes. Please do not email the department for updates before this time.  We will enroll students into any unfilled seats in order, based on their registration times and time they registered on the wait list.

Be sure that your intended course does not conflict with a course in your current schedule, and that you are willing to drop conflicting courses to make the change.  If you have a full course load or time conflict and do not indicate courses to drop on your wait-list submission, your submission will be disregarded.

As always, have a back-up plan in case you are not able to get into your preferred courses.

Please see the Advising Resources webpage for more information about submitting Mentored Research or Internship forms for Spring 2022.

Links to other School of Science Department Wait-lists can be found below:

Math/Stat: (link to form posted on the menu bar)

For more information on waitlists for other schools and departments, please refer to the TCNJ Waitlisting Process packet.

Colloquium Talk with Dr. Paul Youping Xiao, November 5: Deep Learning and Biomedical Imaging

Dr. Paul Youping Xiao of Bristol Meyers Squibb will give a virtual colloquium talk on Friday, November 5, from 12:30 – 1:30 PM.  Dr. Xiao has done extensive research in brain imaging and has pioneered the application of machine learning to the analysis of intrinsic optical imaging.

See below for more information about Dr. Xiao and the links for the event.

Abstract: Target segmentation is a crucial step in the analysis of biomedical images. Recent advances in deep learning have enabled automation of semantic and instance segmentations. At BMS we have applied the U-Net neural network and its variant to the segmentation of various targets in microscopic images with a sub-cellular resolution. The automated and consistent segmentations enable quantitative analyses of drug occupancy, T-cell infiltration and other metrics important for the development of novel drugs. The application of U-Net to analyzing biomedical images of various modalities will also be discussed.

Speaker Bio: Paul Youping Xiao has a bachelor’s degree in electronics, a master’s degree in physiology, and PhD in neuroscience. He has extensive experience in brain imaging including the discovery of color maps in the primate visual cortex. He pioneered the application of machine learning to the analysis of intrinsic optical imaging. At BMS he is leading the effort of automating high-content imaging with artificial intelligence.

Zoom Meeting (ID: 941 0711 6653/ Password: d7dnMrs5)

Colloquium Talk with Dr. Faisal Khan, October 19: AI and Data Science in Healthcare and the Lifesciences

Faisal Khan,

Dr. Faisal M. Khan, the Executive Director of Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence at AstraZeneca, will give a virtual colloquium talk on Tuesday, October 19, from 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Dr. Khan is known for his work on the applications of machine learning and AI for healthcare and the life sciences.

See below for more information about Dr. Khan and the links for the event.

Abstract: Dr. Khan will discuss the broad range of applications that data science and AI are driving to impact live and improve health in healthcare and the life sciences. The talk will focus on various application areas, algorithmic and real-world challenges and issues which emerge, as well as things to keep in mind when deploying within regulated and industrial environments.

Speaker Bio:  Faisal M. Khan, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence at AstraZeneca. His team focuses on the applications of AI and data science throughout the drug discovery lifecycle, from target identification through Phase 3 trials and beyond. His interests focus on the intersections of data science, digital health, biostatistics, bioimaging, personalized medicine, and healthcare delivery. His career has encompassed all aspects of healthcare and biomedical analytics, including diagnostics, devices, clinical trials/therapeutics, and payers/insurance. Dr. Khan has worked or consulted across academia and industry with both startups and Fortune-50 companies. He has over 100 published papers, abstracts, and patents on the applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence for healthcare and the life sciences.

Zoom Meeting (ID: 961 9503 5078 / Password: N842wT31)


2021 STEM for All Video Showcase

Three faculty members from The College of New Jersey will be featured in the 2021 STEM for All Video Showcase, from May 11-18, funded by the National Science Foundation. Kim Pearson, Associate Professor of Journalism and Professional Writing, Monisha Pulimood, Chair and Professor of Computer Science, and Diane Bates, Professor of Sociology will report on their project, Collaborating Across Boundaries to Engage Undergraduates in STEM Learning, (CAB), funded by the National Science Foundation (Award # 1914869).

Click here to learn more about the Showcase and access the link to the video.

2021 STEM

Celebration of Student Achievement: Spring 2021

The Department of Computer Science’s annual Celebration of Student Achievement event will take place virtually on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, starting at noon until 4:30 pm. We have 24 senior presentations that will showcase the internship experience and mentored research outcomes over the last academic year. Each presentation will be 10 minutes long (with some exceptions presenting team efforts), and there will be a five minute buffer between presentations for Q&A and transition.

The event will begin with the Annual Departmental Awards and the UPE Induction ceremonies, which will be followed by the presentation sessions. The whole event will be broadcast via YouTube live streaming.

You can find the schedule for the sessions, along with the accompanying livestream links, here: 2021 Celebration of Student Achievement Schedule FINAL public

Livestream Links:
– Award Ceremony:
– UPE Induction:
– Presentation 1:
– Presentation 2:
– Presentation 3:

If you have any questions, please contact
