The Department of Computer Science’s annual Celebration of Computer event will take place virtually on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, from 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM. We have 18 presentations that will showcase the internship experience and mentored research outcomes over the summer and this Fall semester. Each presentation will be 10 minutes long (with an exception of #17 that will be 25 min), and there will be a five min buffer between presentations for Q&A and transition. The whole event will be broadcast via YouTube live streaming.
Livestream Links:
Presentation 1 (YouTube):
Presentation 2 (YouTube):
Students who are taking CSC 099 and CSC 199 were assigned a poster for the review. Please use the Qualtrics Survey link below to submit your response. Please note that you must identify yourself in the survey (there are fields where you can write your name) to be counted toward your course requirements.
Qualtrics link:
If you have any questions or need a copy of the schedule of presentations, please contact