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Author Archives: Julia Corso

Colloquium Screening: Great Unsung Women of Computing

Colloquium ScreeningOn Tuesday, April 13 from 12:30-1:30 PM, there will be a public viewing of a 2016 film titled “Great Unsung Women of Computing.” It is about great women computer scientists and engineers who were behind the scenes when the ENIAC (75th anniversary, by the way, counting from the UPenn era) was developed. This is the final colloquia series event of the semester.

In the United States, women are vastly underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) fields, holding under 25% of STEM jobs and a disproportionately low share of STEM undergraduate degrees. GREAT UNSUNG WOMEN OF COMPUTING is a series of three remarkable documentary films that show how women revolutionized the computing and Internet technology we use today, inspiring female students to believe that programming careers lie within their grasp. The Computers features the extraordinary story of the ENIAC Programmers, six young women who programmed the world’s first modern, programmable computer, ENIAC, as part of a secret WWII project. They programmed ENIAC without programming language (for none existed) and harnessed its power to perform advanced military calculations at lightning speeds. However, when the ENIAC was unveiled in 1946, the Programmers were never introduced and they became invisible. This stunning documentary features rare footage and never-before-seen interviews with the ENIAC Programmers. 70 years later, this is their story. The Coders tells the story of two extraordinary women, Sarah Allen and Pavni Diwanji whose technologies revolutionized the Internet: Sarah co-invented Flash, the first multimedia platform supporting video, graphics, games and animation for the internet, while Pavni invented the Java servlet to allow web applications to respond quickly to requests from users everywhere. In The Future Makers, Andrea Colaço, a young MIT PhD, shares her dream of a world in which we interact with our smart devices using natural hand gestures, not static keyboards or touchpads. She invented 3D “gestural recognition technology” and co-founded 3dim to develop and market it. In 2013, 3dim won MIT’s $100K Entrepreneurship Prize and launched Andrea towards her dream of innovation and changing the world. Winner of the Grand Jury Award for Best Short Documentary at the United Nations Association Film Festival.

Film run time: 49 minutes
“This inspiring title highlights the accomplishments of pioneering women.”
— Candace Smith, Booklist.
“THE COMPUTERS is a unique and powerful documentary … This still under-appreciated story of how women helped initiate the computer revolution provides inspiring female role models for future generations.”
— Tim Bartik, Senior Economist, Upjohn Institute.
Zoom Meeting
Note: This public viewing is for the TCNJ community only. You will need a TCNJ login to join the Zoom session.

Colloquium Talk with Dr. Sabah Boustila: Virtual Reality for Real-World Problems

Sabah BoustilaDr. Sabah Boustila, Assistant Professor at Manchester Metropolitan University, will give a virtual colloquium talk on Friday, April 2 from 12:30 – 1:30 PM. See below for the Zoom link and more information.

Abstract: Virtual environments (VEs) displayed through Virtual and Augmented Reality (XR) are commonly used as an alternative means to accomplish delicate tasks or for decision-making in a safe and economical form. For instance, in the military field, VR could be used as a training tool, it has the potential to recreate a real battlefield at a human scale to familiarize soldiers with a new battlefield inside a harmless environment. Despite numerous technological advances in both graphic hardware as well as algorithms and APIs, how accurate virtual environments/contents could be perceived and interpreted in comparison to real ones is still an open research question. In this talk I will discuss some parameters that affect our spatial perception in indoor virtual environments and how can we adjust them to improve our experience and decision-making. Furthermore, in outdoor environment, I will discuss user performance when using navigation aids in virtual environments.

Speaker Bio: I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in User Experience and Web design at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Strasbourg, France in May 2016. While completing my Ph.D I held a Lecturer and Research Assistant position at the same university. In January 2018, I joined the University of Toronto (Canada) as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for two years where I worked on navigation aids in virtual environments. In January 2020, I joined again the University of Strasbourg as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow before joining MMU. Throughout my career, my scientific interests have been on Virtual and Augmented Reality (XR) for real-world problems and Three-Dimensional interactions. My aim is to contribute to research that serves the community. Consequently, I have addressed issues related to user experience and spatial perception in virtual environments, and provided solutions for real-world problems: military, transportation, and architecture.

Zoom Meeting (ID: 963 2042 7065 / Password: 282553)

“Coded Bias” Screening & Student-Led Discussion

Coded Bias

Join the Computer Science and Interactive Multimedia Departments on Tuesday, March 23 at 12:30pm for a screening of the film Coded Bias, followed by a student-led discussion about the film on Wednesday, March 24 at 1:00pm.

The link and password to access and view the virtual screening can be found below. There is a text chat via the IMM Discord Channel that will be active during the screening time as an optional interactive component, for attendees to post any questions/ideas/etc. that come up while watching.


The student-led discussion about the movie will take place on Wednesday, March 24 from 1:00-3:00pm and will be led by the Association for Computing Machinery, DIGIT.all, and Girls Who Code.

Virtual Screening (3/23): Virtual Screening Room: |Password: TRWMM21

#coded-bias-screening-chat on IMM Discord
(make sure to use this Discord link only once at the screening time, as it is temporary access and will expire)

Student-Led Discussion (3/24): Zoom Link: | Password: 102112


This event is open to the entire campus community.

Coded Bias explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s discovery that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever legislation in the U.S. to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact us all. Learn more about the film at

Save the Date: “Coded Bias” Screening & Student-Led Discussion

Coded BiasSave the Date! Join us on Tuesday, March 23 at 12:30pm for a screening of the film Coded Bias, followed by a student-led discussion about the film on Wednesday, March 24 at 1:00pm. Stay tuned for the links and further information.

This event is open to the entire campus community.

Coded Bias explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s discovery that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever legislation in the U.S. to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact us all. Learn more about the film at

Colloquium Talk with Michael Kearns: The Ethical Algorithm

Michael KearnsDr. Michael Kearns, of UPENN and co-author of The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design, will give a virtual colloquium talk on Friday, March 12 from 12:30 – 1:30 PM.  Dr. Kearns is known for his work in the fields of machine learning, algorithmic game theory, and computational social science.

See below for more information about Dr. Kearns and the links for the event.

Abstract: Many recent mainstream media articles and popular books have raised alarms over antisocial algorithmic behavior, especially regarding machine learning and artificial intelligence. The concerns include leaks of sensitive personal data by predictive models, algorithmic discrimination as a side effect of machine learning, and inscrutable decisions made by complex models. While standard and legitimate responses to these phenomena include calls for stronger and better laws and regulations, researchers in machine learning, statistics, and related areas are also working on designing better-behaved algorithms. An explosion of recent research in areas such as differential privacy, algorithmic fairness, and algorithmic game theory is forging a new science of socially aware algorithm design. Kearns will survey these developments and attempt to place them in a broader societal context. This talk is based on the book The Ethical Algorithm, co-authored with Aaron Roth (Oxford University Press).

Speaker Bio: Michael Kearns is a professor in the Computer and Information Science Department and the National Center Chair at the University of Pennsylvania. He also has secondary appointments in the departments of Economics, Statistics, and Operations, Information and Decisions (OID) in the Wharton School. He is the Founding Director of the Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences, founded and directed the Networked and Social Systems Engineering (NETS) Program at Penn. He is also a faculty affiliate in the Applied Math and Computational Science graduate program of the university. Outside of Penn, he is affiliated with the Santa Fe Institute as an external faculty member and, since June 2020, he started a role at Amazon as part of their Scholars Program, focusing on algorithmic fairness, privacy, machine learning, and related topics within Amazon Web Services (AWS). He has extensive research experience in quantitative and algorithmic trading on wall street, working with several large financial institutes, including Lehman Brothers, BOA, SAC Capital, and Morgan Stanley. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Alan Turing Institute and of the Market Surveillance Advisory Group of FINRA. He is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), and the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory.

Zoom Meeting (ID: 977 8863 9845 / Password: 277574)
YouTube Live Stream
