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Faculty Profile: Professor Hajar Niroomand

headshot of Hajar Niroomand.1. Why did you decide to study and teach Computer Science?

I have always loved math and calculation. When in college, I saw computers for the first time in life, I fell in love with computers immediately.

2. What have been your favorite classes that you have taught while at TCNJ?

Programming Languages

3. What is your favorite part about your job?

To see young, happy, energetic, and eager to learn faces in class.

4. What specific research topic/project are you most excited about this semester?


5. What was your dream job as a child?


6. What are your favorite places to eat in or around campus?


7. What is your favorite non-academic book, movie, or tv show? 

Any book by Jane Austen, Good Earth, and movie: Lupin.

8. What advice would you give to first-year students?

Don’t feel you are missing out on events, concentrate on your study.

9. What is your favorite place on campus?

Forcina 424 (even the elevator 🙂  )

10. Please share a “fun fact” about you that hasn’t been mentioned already. 

I love upholstery!
